About Us

Storyline exists to accelerate missionary sending from the non-Western church to the unreached who do not know Jesus.

What We're All About

We accomplish our mission through non-western global partnerships in Latin America, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia with denominations and mobilizers who are engaging frontier missions.

Storyline Mike Krieg Executive Director

Preparing for the Journey

The greatest journey you can take is the journey into the heart of God. Scripture is the vehicle and the Holy Spirit is the guide. If you’re ready to go further and deeper into the mission of God, the Storyline course is for you!

Mike Krieg
Founder & Executive Director
Our Vision

Who We Are


Empowering the global church, beyond the West, for the next wave of missionary service with God to all people in all places.

Today, most of the church of Jesus Christ is non-western, non-white, and non-wealthy. Mission thinkers are now saying that the American church comprises only 10% of the global church. The implications of this demographic transition on current mission strategy are enormous. Western Christians must embrace a new mission’s paradigm and adopt an empowering posture for sending the global church.

Due to the explosive growth of the church in the global south and in Asia, new sending models will be needed. Through the development of ministry tools, equipping, training, and projects with our national partners, we are empowering the national church and seeing God raise up indigenous mission movements. In our day, we are witnessing the greatest non-western mission’s movement in history.

The mission field in many parts of the world is producing a powerful mission force. And with this seismic change, new strategies are emerging. These strategies will require humility, courage, and the willingness to take risks in order to serve the global church as sending nations.

This unique and potent strategy is what we refer to as ‘Frontier Mobilization.’ Everywhere we travel in the world, whether it is Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, or Europe, national believers are asking the western church not to replace or supplant their work, but to come alongside them as partners. Storyline missions is sending church planting missionaries from everywhere to reach everyone.

Learn From Missionary Leaders

Course instructors are former long-term missionaries who have lived cross-culturally to share their lives and gospel.

Learn at Your Own Pace

Course instruction is video driven with deep learning, reflective moments, and content assessments to prepare you for next steps.

Completion Certification

We celebrate all of our course participants for joining in the storyline of God's global mission with a certificate of completion.