Discovering Your Story in God's Global Mission

God is inviting you to join his story. What role do you play in the storyline of God’s mission?



Storyline provides insights about God and His global mission. Discover how the story of your life plays an important part in fulfilling God’s mission.

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Storyline [Preview]

FREE: Introduction to the Storyline Course.



Discovering Your Story in God's Global Mission


Biblical education about the Old and New Testament perspective of God as the one who initiates love to all people in all places.


Beyond learning you will be invited to take an active role in how God uniquely created you to step into the story of his mission.


Your investment in the Storyline course will provide you with confidence in Christian missiology to take your next best step.

Study at Your Own Pace

God is a Missionary God Inviting You Into His Story

Features of Our Courses

Why Choose Us?

There are great mission courses and resources available in the Christian church. The Storyline course has proven to be the best at providing an introduction to big ideas of the global Christian mission’s movement.

Best In Class Courses

Introducing key ideas through video teaching, short readings, and comprehension quizzes.

Learn Online at Your Own Pace

Video based curriculum lessons to go at your own pace in your own way.

Completion Certification

We will celebrate with you the completion of the course knowing it will positively impact the world.


Storyline Course Completed by Global Participants

Completed by
Participants Globally
“It was interesting to know there is a lot of information about God's mission not only in the New Testament but in the Old Testament too.”
Katya S.
“This training made me think: I have never heard anyone say that God is a missionary God.”
Dima T.
“This was powerful, encouraging, impressionable and I desire to work in the field as a missionary.”
Timothy K.
“God is encouraging me and guiding me for further ministry. God is a missionary God and I never thought about this before. Thanks for everything.”
Michael S.